Having fun helping the community
Stan Brein
The temperatures are in the 70s. Well, on some days. I think we are now clear of the winter freezes. It’s time to clean the bike, get on those spring maintenance tasks, and get back on the road to our next adventures. But, as always, safety first!
The annual safety meeting was held on Feb. 12. Club President Mike Conley did his usually thorough job of covering the essential points of safe group riding and general motorcycle safety. As we have more members joining the regular rides, the task of safely shepherding a large number of motorcycles through urban traffic and rural roads is essential. Fifteen club members attended the meeting and are now ready to travel with confidence. The briefing chart and PowerPoint slides were distributed to all club members. Throughout the meeting we were able to look at pictures and videos from rides of the past year. Oh, the places we go!
The club board met on Feb. 26 to continue planning for the year and into 2026. We discussed on-the-road communications and the great rides on the horizon. Dave Riddle will lead us to Doc’s Grill in Muenster in March. In April we will head to the Celina Star Café, led by Jeff Stieber. Carrylyn Jacobs will head the dinner ride in May, with Bob Whipple planning the breakfast ride for June. We also are looking forward to the Spring Hill Country 5-Day Adventure in Ingram. Ron Bane has arranged a great ride and impressive venue. And for September, Jeff Stieber is planning a scenic outing to Socorro and Payson, Ariz. Can’t wait!
Our board members are Mike Conley (president), Scott Baker (vice president), Stan Brein (publicity), Dave Riddle (at large), Ron Bane (treasurer/secretary), Keith Breiner (at large), Jeff Stieber (at large), Carrylyn Jacobs (at large), and Vickie Baker (documentarian). We are grateful for the time and dedication our board members put in to make the club a success. None of these fun activities would be possible without you. Thank you.
A big welcome to the club to Travis and Sue Perkins. We hope you are enjoying life at the Ranch, and we look forward to your joining us on our adventures.
We hope some of you were able to stop by and chat at the Robson Ranch Clubs Open House on March 1. There is just so much to do at the Ranch.
Come join us!
See you on the road!
Beware of cagers, and keep the rubber side down.