A Surprise Visit with the Scottish Duke of Argyll

Tom DeVito

While on a six-week cruise to the United Kingdom, Western Europe, and the Caribbean, Tom and Dot DeVito had the opportunity to visit many castles in Ireland and Scotland. On their visit to Inveraray Castle in the Argyll region of Scotland, they stopped in the gift shop to purchase a memento Christmas ornament. Dot took her selection to the check-out counter to make her purchase. While on the tour, their guide had alerted them that occasionally His Grace the Duke of Argyll spends time in the tea room and gift shop. On this day the cashier was wearing an apron that read, “The Duke.” When Tom questioned him about it, he realized it was the actual Duke of Argyll. After a short visit, the Duke graciously posed for a snapshot with Dot. What an exciting time for them—possibly the highlight of their trip.

The Duke is the 13th in the line, dating back to 1701. He is the Clan Chief of the Campbell Clan, and he and his family have their permanent residence at the castle. Inveraray Castle dates back to 1533 and has been rebuilt and renovated in the Gothic Revival style. Interestingly, the Duke is a consultant with a marketing firm in Scotland that produces Scotch whiskies such as Chivas Regal and Glenlivet.

The Duke also is the captain of the Scottish Elephant (yes, Elephant) Polo team that won the world championship in 2001 and 2004.