Darla Chupp
In May during Teacher Appreciation Week in the Denton Independent School District, the After Schoolers Club treated the faculty and staff members of the club’s two adopted schools in Denton I.S.D., Borman Elementary Schools and LaGrone Advanced Technology Complex to pizza and cupcake parties. Everyone enjoyed the special Teacher Appreciation Luncheon and we do appreciate our teachers!
If you would like to share in the fun, festive events, service and support to these dedicated professionals, we issue an invitation for you to join us! Throughout the year the After Schoolers Club is busy planning and organizing the semi-annual Community Garage Sales, celebratory events for our two adopted schools and employees and the annual Christmas Food Basket Drive for needy families within our schools. Proceeds from the garage sales are dispersed to the schools by funding beginning of the school year start-up supplies or equipment for the upcoming of the school year.
The After Schoolers Club meets on the second Friday of each month, September through June, at 10:30 a.m. in the Robson Ranch Clubhouse. Our first meeting for the 2018-2019 school year is scheduled for September 14, 2018. Join us! Look for more information regarding the After Schoolers and the kick off meeting in August.