Airline Social Club…What a Great Patio Party!

Nancy Tastle

The fourth Airline Social Club gathering was held on the patio on Oct. 22. It was a good gathering of approximately 60 participants from more than 10 different airlines. The weather was perfect, and we had specialty drinks of “Lift-Off Punch” and “Blue Sky Rita.”

If you have ever worked for a commercial airline, then this club is for you! All active, retired, spouses, or partners are welcome. We make new friends and reunite with old friends every time we meet.

The club meets four times a year, so you definitely don’t want to miss a gathering. Our next get-together will be on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2024, from 4 to 6:30 p.m. in the clubhouse.

Come Fly With Us!

For questions, contact Nancy Tastle at [email protected] or Lorraine Hecker at [email protected].