Wildhorse Lady Niners ready to hit the course (left to right): Lesley Miller, Debbie Andrews, Lucia Bone, and Vicki Moses
Cindy Voliva
If you are a Robson Ranch resident golfer, it’s not too late to sign up to play with the Wildhorse Lady Niners (WLN). We play Wednesday mornings, followed by lunch and/or drinks on the patio. We use a scramble and “own ball” format every other week. We want new members not to be intimidated. In addition, there are also several social events throughout the year, which are a great way to meet new friends and neighbors. New this year, we will host a golf academy in March to ensure that all our players establish a handicap and learn the basics for a great game of golf.
To join, applications are available at the Golf Pro Shop, or you can print out an application from the HOA website. Attach your check for $55 made payable to WLN and place it in the black WLN mailbox in the Golf Pro Shop. We hope to see you soon!