Are You Watching YouTube to Learn to Paint?

Sandy Hestes

Are you taking art lessons?

Do you have a Pinterest board called “Painting Tutorials”?

If you are doing any of these, you might enjoy the Paint & Palette Club!

The Robson Paint & Palette Club is growing, and we have a full range of new to experienced artists from multiple mediums. Join us Monday or Friday mornings and bring whatever you are working on to a relaxed, informal group of people who are willing to help you.

On the second Monday of each month from 1 to 3 p.m. in the CATC, Room 103, Paint & Palette members are invited to a relaxed art critique to bring in a piece of work and ask for ideas or suggestions or get another perspective. If you get stuck, need inspiration, or hit a roadblock, someone in the group has “been there, done that” and is eager to share their experience. The discussions aren’t critical of work. They are empowering and encouraging, leaving you with new ideas to try.