Baby Boomer Spooktacular

Costume contest winners Gloria Holbert, Patricia and Bill Fairhurst, and Steve and Lorraine Hecker (photo by Carol Jankowski)

Ralph and Carol Jankowski

Susan Parker

More than 85 Baby Boomers dressed up for Halloween and joined the festivities. The Stewart Brothers entertained the group in the ballroom of the clubhouse. The meal was pork loin with cherry chutney, roasted potatoes, and chef vegetables, topped off with cobbler.

After the meal, many danced to the various tunes. About halfway through the evening, the march of the costumes began. Several people went to great lengths to be the top costume.

The banquet staff voted on the top three best costumes. The winners were Raggedy Ann and Andy (Bill and Patricia Fairhurst), Cruella and her dalmatian (Lorraine and Steve Hecker), and I Dream of Jeannie (Gloria Holbert). The Wildhorse Grill provided gift certificates for the winners.