Baby Boomers welcome March


Dave Parker

The Baby Boomers at Robson Ranch welcomed March at their first get together in fine fashion. With a beautiful day in the 70’s the Boomers could feel spring in the air. Commander-in-Chief Margaret O’Neill was missing in action so Karen Barbati and Susan Parker stepped up as greeters to welcome any new Boomers into the fold. First time Boomers included Joan Pursley, Gary and Jeanie Cook and Bob and Dee Kamerman. Returning Boomers filled the tables and gave a warm welcome to the newbies. Come on out and meet the Boomers here at the Ranch. No dues, no sign up, no speakers, just grab a beverage or a meal and meet some new friends! The Boomers meet on the first and third Fridays of each month at the Grill starting around 5:00 p.m. Any questions can be directed to Margaret O’Neill at [email protected].