Beginning Woodworkers Make Rocking Horses

Left to right: Bruce Drury, Rebecca Elson, Teresa McGill, instructor Mike Riewe, Nancy Kilkenny, Bob Bailey

Mike Riewe

Over the last year, the Woodworking Club offered a beginning woodworking class taught by Mike Riewe. The class emphasized woodworking safety and skills, offering individual instruction on table saw, band saw, miter saw, planer, drill press, router, and spindle sanding. Each student built two rocking horses for toddlers, one to give to a child of their choice and the other for donation to Robson clubs for fundraising. Bob Bailey, Rebecca Elson, Nancy Kilkenny, Teresa McGill, Bruce Drury, and Tom Beaury, all completed their two horses. As a reward, each student also designed and received a personal branding iron made by Robson resident Jim Kreter. Several rocking horses also received the Robson Ranch brand. Some of the students are continuing with Mike, learning additional skills while building a learning tower for their toddler. Mike hopes to offer the beginners class again this spring.