Barbara and Mike Shippy
Boot Camp exists to encourage healthy living for senior participants by applying physical fitness training that can be modified for each person. This structured 50-minute workout incorporates all muscle groups, which increases cardio endurance, core strength, flexibility and balance while burning an average of 500 calories. The workout itself is low-impact—minimal stress to our joints. It includes stretching, strength training/toning and cardio.
“Boot Camp is all about having fun while working out,” says Mike Shippy. “Using oldies music provides energy that moves throughout the entire room. Hearing everyone singing to Chantilly Lace or YMCA while exercising provides a fun environment while burning those calories and shedding those pounds! Since Boot Camp originated in mid-2015 there have been dozens of success stories. Over 500 pounds and dozens of inches have been lost. Participants have been able to reduce their medications while many others have said they sleep better.”
Barbara Shippy, senior instructor, explains how important it is for seniors to be involved in a fitness program. “Older adults obtain significant health benefits when they exercise. Benefits include reducing the risk of coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and other medical diseases. It also helps people with chronic, disabling conditions improve their stamina and muscle strength. Exercise can also reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression because it fosters improvements in mood and feelings of well-being. In addition, working out helps maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints while improving our mental capabilities.”
“The primary goal of Boot Camp is to keep moving,” states Barbara. “It is not about how much you can do or if you are able to keep up with other participants. It is about you and what you can do to improve your health. Since the class is diversified in ages and workout experience, it is critical for each person to modify exercises to their individual needs. Since no two people are alike, exercise must be aimed at individual levels even though this is a group setting. Some participants use weights and some do not. Some are able to go to the floor for floor routines while others use a chair. The key is to let a staff member know your specific needs to ensure a safe yet successful workout. Anyone can do this class—they just have to learn their own capabilities.”
In 2018 Boot Camp is ‘hoping’ to add classes for Robson Ranch residents who still work. Details are now being addressed. Boot Camp also will continue to provide fitness education and add dietary education. The staff, which is composed of Barbara and Mike Shippy, Kathy Heberlein, Bonnie Fickey and Wayne Detjen, all agree you should at least try a class!
Classes meet every Monday and Wednesday 11:00 a.m. to noon and Friday 9:00-10:00 a.m. in the Sports Center gym. The cost of each class is $3. Bring a mat, small towel, a closed container of water and weights (optional). Watch HOA emails regarding times and additional classes sometime in 2018.