Category: Religion

Fellowship At The Ranch

Quite a while ago while my now 20-year-old granddaughter, Hannah, was four or five I was vexed about one thing or another. The fact that I can’t remember what caused my anxiety testifies to just how serious it was. Hannah noticed my dismay, climbed up on my lap and looked intently with her tender face…

Pastor’s Corner

Pastor Jim Mann “…in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18, NKJV) My New Year’s resolution is to be more thankful. Back in November I preached a sermon on thanksgiving. Several parishioners balked at my statement that there is always something for which to…

Special order

Turkey and dressing cooks: Peggy Zilinsky, Karl Klein, Ruthie Klein and Jois Ross

Sherry Zeise November Lunch Bunch has always been a favorite meeting of the year because we have Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings, and the men join us instead of going to Outlaw Burger. This time 45 New Life Church members came to enjoy the warm congeniality of Jim and Carol Hanson. Part of the…

Comfort and Joy

Ladies lunching: Peggy Zilinsky, Karen Solomon, Jacqueline Geist, Jan Wallace, Jois Ross, Nancy Myers and forefront Carol Hansen

Sherry Zeise You couldn’t help catching the Christmas spirit as you entered Nancy Nevius’ festively decorated home this past December 12 when she hosted the New Life Church Ladies’ Lunch Bunch. The ladies enjoyed snowmen, angels, Santa and a unique Kangaroo Nativity. As always we had myriad casseroles, salads and desserts to thrill every palate.…

RR Catholic Club Christmas Party

The Catholic Club celebrated Christmas

Irene Manning Robson Ranch Catholic Club had its Christmas party and potluck dinner on December 13 at the beautifully decorated home of Bill and Shirley Revering. We had a wonderful turnout, and the food was just out of this world. I for one keep gaining weight and everyone replies, don’t worry about it, it’s Christmas.…

11th year for Ladies Bible Study Group Christmas Project

Stocking stuffers: Nancy Myers, Helen Reed, Karen Wesselman, Donna Chabot, Theresa Peoples, Nancy Nevius, LInda Smith, BJ Watson, Nancy Thomas and Emilia Bevington

Nancy Thomas For the 11th year the Ladies Bible Study group has filled stockings for underprivileged children in East Dallas. These children are in the After School Ministry of Dorothy Moore’s Reconciliation Outreach Ministry. We became involved with this group while Dorothy and husband Bob lived at Robson before moving nearer the ministry. We bought…