JoAnne Gaudioso Happy New Year! With the holiday season coming to a close, it’s the perfect time for retrospection and reflection as well as resolutions and fresh starts. We all know how difficult it can be to stick to our resolutions year after year. Here are some essential oils to help you stick to the…
Category: Generals
Generals, January 2024
Dance Club Kicks Off 2024 with an Exciting Evening of Dance and Fun—January 19

Mark your calendars for Jan. 19 to experience the exhilarating sound and versatility of Top 40 party band The Inspiration Band (TIB)! The Inspiration Band will not disappoint. Their music ranges from pop, rock, R&B, Motown, funk, and more. You do not want to miss this frolicking, rollicking evening of dancing and fun! It all…
Generals, January 2024
HOA Presents Afternoon at the Movies by Cinema Society: ‘Casablanca’ March 1

Join us on Friday, March 1, in the clubhouse ballroom for a viewing of the movie Casablanca. Doors open at 11 a.m., and the show starts at 11:30 a.m. Tickets are $20 per person. The Cinema Society is your ticket to discovering carefully selected motion pictures offered by the top major and independent studios before…
Generals, January 2024
Do You Have a ‘Safety Net’?
Mary Ornberg Do you live alone or are a caregiver for your spouse/partner? You need to have a “Safety Net.” The program involves a Home Aloner who wishes to feel secure by checking in with a volunteer Safety Net person daily or twice daily. If the Safety Net person doesn’t receive the expected contact, they will…
Generals, January 2024
New Year’s Resolutions Suggestions from Your Garden
Martha Cantrell, Master Gardener Hello. First off, I want to thank you for taking such great care of my friends and me, your gardens! We flourished throughout spring, summer, and fall but, now, parts of us need to rest. That doesn’t mean the pleasure of caring for us stops! While some of you might be…
Generals, January 2024
Library’s Fabulous First

Joan Muyskens Pursley David Carlton, Klaus Dannenberg, and Dale Spaulding presented an amusing, poignant, and informative program in our library on Dec. 8. Each of these men has written a book, or in Dr. Carlton’s case, five books, that are very personal to them, yet of wide interest for others. Organized by the RR Library…
Generals, January 2024
Robson Ranch HOA Presents Kelsey Rae with 2b1 Concert

Join us on Friday, Feb. 2, in the clubhouse ballroom for a concert by Kelsey Rae with 2b1. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and the show starts at 7 p.m. Combining music from the ‘60s to current, original songs, dance, and rhythm, this show is meant for all ages to enjoy. While playing one-of-a-kind “recycled”…
Generals, January 2024
Robson Library Volunteers Celebrated at Reception

Lorraine Wilson In a heartwarming tribute to the unsung heroes of the Robson community, the Robson Ranch Library Subcommittee hosted an after-hours event on Dec. 1. This special occasion, dedicated to honoring 75 devoted volunteers, illuminated the tireless commitment and passion these individuals pour into sustaining the library’s essence as a community hub. From 5…
Generals, January 2024
Deadline Reminder and How to Submit Articles
The deadline for the February edition is Jan. 26 by noon. Please send your submissions on time, and early if possible! You can email your submissions to [email protected] or use our website link: For article and photo guidelines or if you have any questions, please call 480-895-4216.
Generals, January 2024
Women’s Club Homes for the Holidays Home Tour

Gayle Coe Sunday, Dec. 10, was a gorgeous day in the Robson Ranch community. Over 400 residents, families, and friends viewed the six unique and fabulously decorated homes in the Homes for the Holidays Home Tour. Each of these homes was a labor of love for the season, and the artistic imaginations went above and…