Marie Milleage The Living Well at Robson Ranch seminar, presented by Laurie Long, PhD, Community Health Program Manager at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Denton, started the year 2016 with an overview for self-management of diabetes and chronic illnesses. The program emphasized the importance of making and following an action plan for individuals living with diabetes…
Category: February 2016
Clubs & Classes, February 2016
Wine Knots experience “Out of Africa” evening

Theresa Peoples Bill and Theresa Peoples hosted the Wine Knots on a brisk January evening in 2016 for a “taste of South Africa.” In January of 2011 Bill and Theresa traveled to South Africa for an unforgettable experience. They shared a homemade movie of their photos from the trip highlighting Victoria Falls, Tonganezi Lodge in…
Generals, February 2016
Spring Community Garage Sale Saturday, April 16
The Spring Community Garage Sale is being organized by the RR After Schooler’s Club. Date: Saturday, April 16, with rain date of Saturday, April 30 Garage Sale spots will begin selling April 1, 2016 at the Clubhouse between 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. All proceeds go to support the teachers at Borman and Gonzales Elementary schools…
Generals, February 2016
Mark Your Calendar – Upcoming events at Robson Ranch
February 13, 2016 – Vocal Trash Concert, 7:00-9:00 p.m. February 17, 2016 – General Manager Quarterly Meeting, 5:30-7:00 p.m. February 19, 2016 – HOA Trivia, 7:00-9:30 p.m. March 11, 2016 – Neil Diamond Tribute Concert, 7:00-9:00 p.m. March 27, 2016 – Easter Brunch April 2, 2016 – Health Fair, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. April…
Clubs & Classes, February 2016
Sweethearts of Sigma Chi

David Parker The Robson Ranch Sigma Chi group held their second annual Sweetheart dinner at the chapter house on January 26. Twenty-two total brothers and their dates were able to attend. Mick Fox our chapter chaplain began our dinner with a prayer. Each brother and spouse/date brought a food item to compliment a cranberry pork…
Clubs & Classes, February 2016
1st Annual Photography Club Awards Banquet highlights

Shirley Waterhouse The Photography Club was well represented at its first annual Photography Club Awards Banquet held in the private room at Rudy’s in Denton. The room was free of charge, and guests were able to get their food and drink on their own. Tim Battle, club president, did an outstanding job with his Power…
Clubs & Classes, February 2016
Baby Boomers meet on Rib Night

David Parker Robson Baby Boomers met on January 15 at the Grill. Many Boomers took advantage of the evening special as it was rib night at the Grill. Some had the Boomer ribs, some had Boomer hamburgers, some had Boomer salmon, and others just had Boomer drinks from the bar. Again this month we had…
Clubs & Classes, February 2016
Dance Club posts upcoming events
Vicki Baker Keep those feet happy and join us for the upcoming dances sponsored by the Robson Ranch Dance Club. April 22: Evening in Paris with music by DJ Joel Morris July 15: Rockin’ to the 50s with music by Freddie and the Falcons September 30 Autumn Moon with music by DJ Joel Morris Watch…
Front Page, February 2016
March 19th Casino Night

On March 19 the Clubhouse Ballroom will be transformed into the largest casino in the greater Robson Ranch area. Join your fellow Ranchers in what is one of the most popular parties hosted by the social committee. Get ready to win thousand$ playing craps, blackjack, roulette, 3-card poker, and Texas Hold-em. If you haven’t played…
Clubs & Classes, February 2016
Shalom All
Linda Zisman January’s Jewish Friendship Group met, and we had over 20 people attend bringing along wonderful Jewish goodies to share. We had lox, bagels, cheeses, kugels, casseroles, French toast, salads and a couple of great deserts. Dick and Suzi Schwartz were our hosts. February 13 hosts will be Dave and Phyllis Ayers. March 13…