Jim Mann “He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.” (Psalm 1:3) We live in an increasingly mobile society. With the advances in technology and the increase in folks working from home, it’s easier than ever to…
Category: Religion
Religion, February 2023
Fellowship At The Ranch: Three Types of Love
Ed Jones When we think of February, our minds normally go to Valentine’s Day. Cards, candy, hearts, and, above all, love. When I think of the word love, my mind goes to my two favorite words in Scripture, namely “But God.” What follows that introductory phrase is normally a manifestation of God’s incredible love for…
Religion, February 2023
Seeds of Grace
Linda Buishas Nine little words, lovingly spoken: “You is smart. You is kind. You is important.” In this heartwarming scene from the 2011 movie The Help, Abilene Clark hoped that little Mae Mobley would grow to know her value. Abilene knew the power words can have over our lives. From New Scientist or Psychology Today to The…
Religion, February 2023
Fellowship at the Ranch: Celebrating $515,000 Given!
Cynthia Drury Apple fritters, cinnamon rolls, and jelly-filled and traditional donuts were the stars at the Fellowship At The Ranch Church Coffee Meet and Greet on Jan. 15. The special treats (10 dozen in all) were from the Mission Committee in celebration of the church’s giving over $515,000 to our 10 designated missions from 2017…
Religion, February 2023
Women Sharing Hope Broken Bow, Oklahoma, Retreat May 8-12

Debbie Calevich Save the dates and come enjoy this wonderful retreat after having lunch in Paris (Paris, Texas, that is)—5 days, 4 nights. Here are a few activities that we are planning: AM/PM devotional/worship time with singing, personal quiet time, indoor/outdoor games, hot tubs, miniature golf, zip lining, hummingbirds, ice cream parlor, walking in the…
Religion, February 2023
Catholic Community News

The Robson Ranch Catholic Community gathered on Jan. 10 in the Bluebonnet Room of the CATC. President Joan Bridges opened the meeting with a prayer and then introduced several members so they could make their announcements. Marge Lane told all in attendance about our Prayer Request Book as the book was being passed around. Marge brings…