Category: Generals

Robson Ranch Health Fair

The annual Robson Ranch Health Fair will be held on Saturday, March 22, in the clubhouse during the hours of 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. It’s a great opportunity to get some questions answered or find that medical professional you might have been looking for in the area. Below are the vendors who have signed…

Fun Competition at Trivia Night

Ed Ahrens It was a bitterly cold night at Robson Ranch, but 300 loyal Trivia players braved the weather and came to the warm clubhouse! The excitement at the tables quickly heated up the evening as the teams competed to get the correct answers. It is very exciting to see the spirited competition while everyone…

Welcome New Neighbors

Robson Ranch welcomes the following new homeowners to the Ranch: Simin Barzin, Carrol and Cynthia Blackwell, Brad and Penny Denney, Frank and Katherine Felcman, Gary and Judith Fish, Ronald and Tamara Golden, Robert and Sharon Green, John and Patricia Grutta, Greg and Debbie Kemp, Scottie Lasater and Carolyn Galvan, Reynaldo and Julee Loera, Karen McNeill,…

From the Office of the County Commissioner: Consider Family Emergency Plans as March Brings Chances of Severe Weather to Our Area

Commissioner Dianne Edmondson Whether it comes in like a lion or a lamb, March is often known for the beginning of spring storm season with the potential for tornadoes, and in some years, particularly during and after dry summers, wildfires can be an issue. Knowing the potential for hazardous situations, it is important for every…

The Drama Club—Now Is the Time

Mary Ornberg Our next live performance will be on March 30 at the Robson Ranch clubhouse. All plays are delightful comedies. Three of the plays selected are from A Funny Little Thing Called Love, by Jones Hope Wooten. The first one is called Love Is “On the Air,” starring Don and Mary Taylor, with Ronda…

After Schoolers Double the Fun!

Nancy Burns First Event: Whiskey Bandits Concert The ever-popular Whiskey Bandits country western band will return for a concert on Friday, March 28. We will be selling tickets for $20 in the clubhouse from 9 to 11 a.m. on the following dates: March 17, 19, 24, and 26. Come join in the fun! Second Event:…