Looking for some good boot-kicking music and fun? The After Schoolers are bringing the Whiskey Bandits to the clubhouse on Thursday, June 22, from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. to entertain and help the After Schoolers with their fundraising. A cash bar will be available. We can only sell 240 tickets, so watch the sell dates…
Category: June 2023
Clubs & Classes, June 2023
Women’s Club Splish Splash Social
Join us on Tuesday, June 13, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Robson Ranch pool for the RR Women’s Club Splish Splash Social. There will be bathing suit, cover-up, and patio dress prizes. There will also be hula dance lessons, games, snacks, and a cash bar. Bring your favorite beverage in an unbreakable container…
Features, June 2023
Texas Talks Speaker Series at the Courthouse Museum in Denton
Join the Denton County Office of History and Culture for the Texas Talks Speaker Series! Rebecca Sharpless will discuss her book Grain and Fire: A History of Baking in the American South at the Courthouse-on-the-Square Museum on Wednesday, June 28, at 2:30 p.m. Rebecca Sharpless weaves a brilliant chronicle, vast in perspective and entertaining in detail,…
Generals, June 2023
All Cancer Walk September 23
Please save the date of Sept. 23 for the second All Cancer Walk at Robson Ranch, sponsored by Robson Ranch Breast Cancer Support Group and Living Well Committee. The registration fee is $25. One hundred percent of all money collected will go directly to the Texas Oncology Foundation in Denton, helping the underserved of Denton…
Generals, June 2023
Welcome New Neighbor
Robson Ranch welcomes the following new homeowners to the Ranch: Gary and Vicki Barker, Melissa Booth, Candice Brown, Jeff Burgher, Richard and Tracy Burns, Cameron Clark and Allyson DiCicco, Mike and Susan Davis, Thomas and Linda Eyeington, Juan and Carmen Fernandez, Stephen and Sandra Ferrara, Daniel and Melanie Hitz, Larry and Deborah Knutson, Gene and…
Generals, June 2023
Join the Women’s Club in the Annual 4th of July Parade
Get your red, white, and blue on and celebrate our nation’s birth with the Robson Ranch Women’s Club at the 4th of July Parade! This is always a fun, fun, fun, community-wide event, and we have great plans for the Women’s Club participation. There are plenty of opportunities for you to join us in various…
Generals, June 2023
Attention All Robson Ranch Animal Lovers
Eileen Pierson Request No. 1: $$$$ Support Like all other animal shelters, Apollo Support & Rescue right here in Justin, just the next town over, is in financial trouble to the tune of $15,000 and is at risk of shutting down after 12 years. This is due to low adoptions and people returning dogs after…
Features, June 2023
Traveling with Essential Oils
JoAnne Gaudioso Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, by car, plane, or train, essential oils can help to ease the stress of travel, boost your immune system, and help you feel refreshed and energized upon arrival. The best part is that most essential oils can be easily incorporated into your travel routine. With a…
Features, June 2023
Stay On Guard Against Scams
R.O.S.E. Resources/Outreach to Safeguard the Elderly June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month. June is also a great time for seniors to travel and spend time with loved ones—and the fraudsters know it! They are looking for ways to take advantage of vulnerable individuals. Seniors are often the target of scams due to their trusting nature. Therefore,…
Generals, June 2023
Big Swing’n Band Club

TeJAS, short for the Texas Jazz All-Stars, will be in the Robson Ranch clubhouse ballroom on Saturday, June 24, at 6:30 p.m. for your listening pleasure. You say, “I’ve never heard TeJAS!” Yes, you have. They were previously the Keller Area Youth Jazz Orchestra. They performed twice in 2022 here at Robson Ranch. Same game,…