Category: June 2023

Sigma Chi Brothers May Meeting

Dave Parker The Sigma Chi Brothers at Robson Ranch held their May meeting at the usual round table at the Wildhorse Grill. The table was full, with only a few Brothers missing. Brother Mick Fox began the meeting with a prayer. The topics of the meeting were golf (of course), development, and recent news. Brother…

RR Dance Club—Let’s Do It Again Prom

Laurie Wiginton When I heard we were having a prom at Robson, I had no idea what to expect, so I went up the first morning of ticket sales. There was a nice crowd patiently waiting to purchase tickets. These dance-crazy people were up early to send emails to secure their place in line. Would…

From The Living Well Committee

Claudia J. Caporale We’re halfway into the year and gearing up for the best events yet to come! Hopefully, Mother’s Day delivered all that was expected with much appreciation. It’s now time to turn to dads. So, mothers, treat your hubby, dad, to another round of golf or some new duds. Whatever you decide, make…

Women’s Club Steel Magnolias Express Overnight Trip

On May 16, 50 Women’s Club members boarded the Steel Magnolias Express luxury motorcoach in the Robson Ranch clubhouse parking lot and began their fun-filled three-day, two-night trip in Natchitoches, La.! Members had requested an overnight trip in the tradition as in previous years, and it came to fruition on May 16 through18! This outstanding venture…

Bocce Playoffs

John Humphries Bada Bing Bada Bocce, who started as the 18th seed, was crowned Champion for their third time! They are only surpassed by Wise Guys with five tournament wins, who managed to finish in third place. Relative newcomers Goodfellas & Gals were one of only three teams who went undefeated this season and finished in…

Woodworkers Club Provides Training to Their Members!

Lorraine Wilson The Robson Ranch Woodworkers Club has been providing training and classes for both new and existing members. In April, Steve Russell held an informative class on the steps to begin to learn the CNC machine. Also in April, Jo Bostwick had a hands-on class on working with epoxy. Instructions included adding the resin…

Kiwanis Club Sponsoring Kids’ Clothing Drive

Kiwanis Club of RR is hosting a Kids’ Clothing Collection Drive now through July 11. Start collecting gently used or new clothing for ages infant to 18 years (primarily school age). These items will be donated to the Community Clothes Closet (CCC) in Justin. These clothes will be given free to families in Denton County…

Seeds of a Father’s Love

Linda Buishas My daddy scooped me up into his arms, carrying me to the next room, everyone thought, to give me a spanking (although neither parent ever laid a hand to me). I was three years old and had just spilled my milk, creating mealtime chaos for the umpteenth time. With his handsome face at…

A Patriotic Music Concert

Frances Della Hackley, Publicity Chair The Robson Ranch Music Club is very excited to welcome back the Denton Community Band on the 4th of July. The band is conducted by Carol Lynn Mizell. She is a published composer and oboist herself. Carol Lynn Mizell retired in May of 2017 from her “day job” as band…

A New ‘Aria’ to Explore: Girls on Wheels at the Opera

Vicki Baker Imagine the opera—a ridiculous affair with people dressed in outlandish costumes with Viking-style horns protruding from their metallic headgear, bellowing from the depths of who knows where in some incomprehensible language, while wealthy oldsters dressed to the nines sit in utter boredom. It’s so daunting and dull, dingy, obscure, and pretentious. Those are…