The deadline for the September edition is Aug. 25 by noon. Please send your submissions on time, and early if possible! You can email your submissions to [email protected] or use our website link: For article and photo guidelines or if you have any questions, please call 480-895-4216.
Category: August 2023
Generals, August 2023
Look! … Up in the Sky! … It’s a Bird! … It’s a Plane! … It’s a …
Mike Montefusco It’s a plane? … No! It’s a helicopter? … No! It’s a drone? … No! Okay, so what is it? It’s a gyrocopter! A gyrocopter? What’s that? A gyrocopter is a type of small rotorcraft that looks a little bit like a small helicopter, but it operates and flies like an airplane. A…
Generals, August 2023
Do You Need a ‘Safety Net’?
Mary Ornberg The newly formed Safety Net program is off and running. Residents who attended one of the three informational meetings were very interested in being involved. Registration forms have been completed, and people are feeling safer knowing they are either helping someone else or being helped. The Safety Net program is based on a…
Generals, August 2023
Welcome New Neighbors
Robson Ranch welcomes the following new homeowners to the Ranch: Janet Adams, Richard and Cathleen Barnes, Alan Chisholm and Gail Bassman, Deanna Bostow, Brenda Calvert, Michael and Beverly Cummings, James and Carla Dewese, Steve and Tina Foster, Steve and Yolanda Fuquay, Ouida Gage, David and Donna Garland, Gary and Linda Gedeon, Richard Hammerberg, Alan and…
Generals, August 2023
All Cancer Walk

Pat Garrett The Second Annual All Cancer Walk, sponsored by the Robson Ranch Breast Cancer Support Group and the Living Well Committee, will be held on Sept 23. The walk will start at 9 a.m., with late registration and warm-up starting at 8:30 a.m., in the clubhouse parking lot. Registration is $25 minimum, and checks…
Features, August 2023
Word of the Month: Piastre
David Zapatka Reader Chuck Hakkarinen, commenting on the May WOTM column, writes, “In the 20th century, Paladin was the name of the character played by actor Richard Boone in the TV western “Have Gun, Will Travel.” He was quite the dandy, living in San Francisco, quoting the Classics, fast on the draw. I think he typically…
Religion, August 2023
Seeds of Grace
Linda Buishas Tim McGraw’s song “Live Like You Were Dying” tells us about getting the most out of life, setting priorities, and leaving this life with no regrets. We’re reminded that it shouldn’t take knowing that we’re dying to focus on truly living. Shortened in deference to space allowed, it goes something like this: “……
Clubs & Classes, August 2023
Road Runners Travel Club
Carolann Boykin Join the Road Runners Travel Club on a fabulous coastal escape next spring aboard Celebrity Eclipse, to Bermuda and Martha’s Vineyard May 11 to May 19, 2024. This trip includes two overnights in Bermuda and the quaint, iconic Martha’s Vineyard. Inclusions onboard are beverages, wi-fi, gratuities, and onboard credit. There is also a military veteran…
Clubs & Classes, August 2023
Road Runners Travel Club Trips
Carolann Boykin The Road Runners Travel Club has many trips and outings to offer in the upcoming year. Here are just a few of the wonderful trips planned for our members: * Insights Enchanting Canyonlands, Oct. 8-15, 2023 * The Texas State Fair, Oct. 12, 2023 * 9 to 5, Broadway on the Brazos, Oct. 15,…
Clubs & Classes, August 2023
It’s Pouring Paint!
Sandy Hestes Staci Fisher recently had a full house in her Paint Pouring workshop for the Paint & Palette Club. The finished results were paintings filled with color and creativity, proving once again that everyone has an artist hidden inside of them waiting to come out!