Do You Need a ‘Safety Net’?

Mary Ornberg

The newly formed Safety Net program is off and running. Residents who attended one of the three informational meetings were very interested in being involved. Registration forms have been completed, and people are feeling safer knowing they are either helping someone else or being helped.

The Safety Net program is based on a simple premise: A person who is alone (the Home Aloner) and wants the feeling of safety that comes with letting someone know they are okay by a text or phone call checks in daily or twice daily with a volunteer (the Safety Net person) who has agreed to be the contact. If the Safety Net person does not hear from the Home Aloner as expected, they will call. If no answer, the Safety Net person will go to the house and use the key or garage code provided by the Home Aloner to see if there is a problem. The Safety Net protocol procedures will then be followed.

More informational meetings will be scheduled. For information or to register for the program, contact Mary Ornberg at 469-878-0803 or Joyce Frey at 817-689-5398.