Dianne Edmondson, SOT reporter So many of us here at Robson Ranch served in our country’s military or had family members who did, and we are not shy about appreciating their service. Thus, when Veterans Day rolls around each Nov. 11, there are plenty of patriotic events in which we can participate. First of all is…
Category: Generals
Generals, September 2019
Get ready for the Turkey Trot

It’s time to prepare for the annual Turkey Trot sponsored by the Living Well Committee. On Thanksgiving morning at 8:30 a.m., we will gather in front of the clubhouse for the 9:00 a.m. three-mile family fun run/walk. It’s free, so bring the children, grandchildren, friends, spouses, and pets. Thanksgiving costumes optional. Watch the HOA Announcements…
Generals, September 2019
Living Well and Kiwanis to sponsor new seminar
Kristen Price On Oct. 30 at 1:00 p.m. Living Well and Robson Kiwanis are sponsoring a new seminar. Texas A&M Agrilife Extension will present a program about food labeling. Topics will include “GMO’s – What are they and are they safe?,” “Antibiotics in Meats and Dairy,” and “Natural? Organic? What do food labels mean?” Please sign…
Generals, September 2019
From the New Home Sales Team
Lauren Winkowski Robson Ranch, and its Wildhorse Golf Club is about to get even better, with additional holes of golf to be added to its already impressive lineup. Golf is very popular at Robson Ranch and as the demand for play time continues to grow, nine new holes, the North 9, are being added to…
Generals, September 2019
Welcome New Neighbors
Brenda Johnston Robson Ranch welcomes the following new homeowners to the Ranch: Albert and Kari Arco, Archie and Andrea Bostic, Paul and Linda Burleson, Charles and Cheryl Busey, Margaret Cole, Frank and Pamela Edwards, James and Judith Freeland, Lisa Gaker and James Hill, Laura Holt, James and Bonnie Kohnert, Michael and Amy Mosteiro, Jimmy and…
Generals, September 2019
Upcoming election November 5
Jesse Davis On Nov. 5, Denton citizens will go to the polls to decide whether the city should issue bonds totaling $221.5 million. When a city issues bonds, we are taking on debt that we must later repay. I know that you take fiscal responsibility as seriously as I do. So, the most important questions we…
Generals, September 2019
Frank Sinatra – November 16

Shelbi Berg The Frank Sinatra show and dinner will be on Saturday, November 16, 2019. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., dinner starts at 6 p.m. with the show starting at 7 p.m. Tickets are $35 per person. The Robson Ranch HOA presents a Tribute to Frank Sinatra, including dinner at the Clubhouse. Dave Halston’s stunning…
Generals, September 2019
Wear more pink this October

Dianne Edmondson Cokie Roberts, a longtime journalist for NPE and ABC, recently joined the legions of women whom we have lost from breast cancer or from complications in battling the disease. Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I think she would expect us to mention her if only to encourage women and men to…
Generals, September 2019
UNT Concert – October 15
Robson Ranch HOA presents UNT concert “Music I Didn’t Know I Knew” on Tuesday, Oct. 15, at 7:00 p.m. in the clubhouse ballroom. Tickets are $10 per person. UNT is bringing a new and exciting musical program to Robson Ranch this fall! Many songs heard on/in television, movies, commercials, and everyday life have roots in classical music.…
Generals, September 2019
Free art class to be held November 5

Frances d’Atria Romano Understanding French Impressionism while enjoying fascinating facts about the artists This class will concentrate on the major changes in the latter half of the nineteenth century through art and its movement in France and surrounding areas. Francesca Romano will explain this revolutionary new force in painting and delight her audience with witty…