Category: Generals

Cancer Walk Highlights

Oct. 15 was a beautiful Saturday morning, and the All Cancer Walk at Robson Ranch, sponsored by the Breast Support Group of Robson Ranch Texas and Living Well, was great! We had over 144 register, along with a few golf carts. Our great DJ, Wally Sagui, provided music to get us warmed up, and we…

News from the Living Well Committee

Claudia J. Caporale The teasing of cooler air in mid-October signified the oncoming of seasonal changes—Daylight Savings Time—Nov. 6, giving us one more hour of daylight, including colorful landscapes, the aroma of turkey roasting in the oven, and feasting with family and friends on Thanksgiving Day. This gives us pause to remember the Pilgrims and…

Mayor’s Minute

Mayor Gerard Hudspeth As we approach autumn, with its cooler weather and shorter days, I find myself thankful for so much. As Denton’s mayor, I get the opportunity to watch us grow together and move our city forward. With the construction of the new police substation and firing range adjacent to Fire Station #7 on…

Friday Market Vendor: Sapling Farms

Claudia J. Caporale (information provided by Selvi Palaniswamy) Selvi Palaniswamy is the founder and farmer of Sapling Farms. She was raised on a farm in India where she watched her parents grow seasonal crops all year long. She and her siblings would assist their parents in producing veggies to take to their local farmers market in…