Chris Robinson, ChFC Are you successful but overwhelmed by the lack of progress in your financial life? You’re not alone. Many individuals find themselves in this situation, struggling to navigate the complexities of financial planning. That’s where the RFG Blueprint Process comes in. This robust framework helps reshape your financial future. A Pathway to Financial…
Category: November 2023
Clubs & Classes, November 2023
Sign Up for Road Runners Travel Club Upcoming May Trip

Carolann Boykin Just announced! We have a wonderful Collette-guided tour trip coming up on May 10 to May 19, 2024. On this trip, you will see memorials of World War II, beginning in London, England, and finishing in Paris, France. Along the way, you will stop in Portsmouth, England, cross the English Channel to Juno Beach,…
Features, November 2023
Yard of the Month

The Robson Ranch Garden Club presents 12501 Grosbeak, home of Tammy and Gerald Buck, as the November Yard of the Month. They have lived in Robson Ranch for four years, having moved from Keller. The base landscaping has undergone yearly changes as original plants were replaced with new favorites found by the homeowners. They have…
Clubs & Classes, November 2023
Tech Club Meeting Update

Steve Simpson, President The Tech Club meets the second Monday evening of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. in Room 104 at the Creative Arts Technology Center. We have no dues, and attendance is open for any Robson resident who is interested in anything that is tech related, regardless of what they own or…
Clubs & Classes, November 2023
Can You Hear Me Now?

Sandy Hestes The Art of Aging, Point Lobos, Urban Development, Girls Upstairs and a Hare, Circle Stress, Family Ties, Reflections at Water’s Edge, Bathing in the Creek, Awaiting Instructions. What do these phrases have in common? They are just a handful of the names from over 30 paintings recently on display at the Robson clubhouse…
Features, November 2023
Mel and Sondra Hartz Celebrate Their 70th Wedding Anniversary
Sports, November 2023
WLN Holds First Club Championship

Cindy Voliva In a year that was dedicated to establishing handicaps for all our members, it was only fitting that we celebrated our accomplishments with our first Wildhorse Lady Niners (WLN) Club Championship Tournament. The tournament was held at the end of September over two days. Thirty-four golfers competed in two 9-hole rounds, playing in…
Clubs & Classes, November 2023
What to Do with Your Photos

Steve Simpson, Member, Board of Directors The Robson Ranch Photo Club’s October general meeting was held on Oct. 16 from 7 to 8 p.m. in Room 104 at the Creative Arts Technology Center. The October general session program topic was presented by board members Carol Culkin and Kitz Parker and included “What to Do with…
Clubs & Classes, November 2023
Photo Club Workshop

Steve Simpson, Member, Board of Directors The Robson Ranch Photo Club workshop was held on Oct. 10 at the Creative Arts Technology Center located at 9404 Ed Robson Blvd., in Denton, in Room 104, from 9:30 to 11 a.m. The workshop session topic included “I Need a Mentor … Bring Your Equipment and Questions,” which…
Front Page, November 2023
Christmas at the Ranch

Frances Hackley, Publicity Chair The Robson Ranch Choir will perform “Christmas at the Ranch” on Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. and Dec. 17 at 4 p.m. Tickets for this festive concert will be for sale for $16 on PayPal from Nov. 13 through Dec. 13 via our website, and in the clubhouse every Monday, Wednesday,…