Category: Front Page

Support Our Troops Hosts Charity Golf Tournament

Bill Wright Coming up on Friday, April 28, is the 15th Annual Support Our Troops (SOT) Charity Golf Tournament and fundraiser. Robson residents with military family members on active duty or active reserve are welcome to invite them to play. Their tournament participation will be covered by the Robson Ranch Sales Office. The cost for…

Say Yes! to African Violets

Erminja Maganja, Publicity Chair The Garden Club’s first meeting of 2023 was held on Jan. 16. Club members and guests learned a great deal from our guest speaker, Ann Athey, with the Denton County Master Gardener Association, presenting “Yes! You Can Grow African Violets!” After raising a family and retiring from her nursing career, Ann…

Girls on Wheels Land in a Whole Lot of Truffle

Vicki Baker Sure, we could chomp through a Milky Way, savor a creamy Dove square, or keep things simple with a Hershey’s bar. But real chocoholics know exactly how to take it to the next level—with light, smooth, and deliciously melty chocolate truffles. They’re a luxury, usually reserved for special occasions—until now, because the cocoa…

Oregon Sturgeon Fishing: A Prehistoric Adventure

Scott Baker Like sharks, sturgeon haven’t changed much from their ancestors appearing in the fossil records 175 million years ago. Historically, they’re capable of topping 20 feet with weights exceeding 1,000 pounds. Living to well over 100 years, they don’t mature until they’re 25 years old. These ancient monsters inhabit the Pacific Northwest’s freshwater streams…

BBQ Pitmasters – Smokers & Grillers

Dave Parker Warning: If you are hungry, do not read this article. The host for the January meeting of the BBQ Pitmasters – Smokers & Grillers was Paul Dorwaldt and Misty Skinner. Paul served up Smoked Jack’d Up Meatloaf. Paul added Jack Daniels whiskey, pepper jack cheese, bourbon Worcestershire sauce, and Bill’s Seasoning to the…

Robson Clubs and Activities Open House

The HOA Facilities Committee is sponsoring an Open House from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, March 11, in the clubhouse. It’s a quick way to learn about activities at Robson Ranch. At this event, representatives from more than 60 clubs, classes, and activities here at the Ranch will be there to give you…

Singles Club Charity Support Sets New Record of Giving

The Robson Ranch Singles Club experienced record-breaking support for our two charities in 2022. The charities we support are Senior Paws and Cumberland Youth & Family Services of Denton. Senior Paws is a charity that provides financial support to Meals on Wheels, so they can purchase pet food in bulk to distribute to their recipients.…

The Music Club Is Hopping to It!

Frances Hackley, Publicity The Robson Ranch Music Club is hopping right to it in the new year, the Year of the Rabbit, with its upcoming plans for 2023. Our first happening is a fundraiser on Friday, Jan. 13. Lucky Lou’s is hosting a Give Back Happy Hour from 4 to 9 p.m., of which 10%…

Indoor Volleyball Awaits You

How are those New Year’s resolutions working out for you? Did you only make a mental list of them, or did you write them down so you could review them and stay committed? Your list probably included “Get more exercise,” especially after overindulging in holiday food and drink. How did you decide to fulfill the…