Category: Front Page

Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast April 20

Barbara Leurig The RR Kiwanis Club will be hosting their third annual pancake breakfast on the patio at the Grill on Saturday, April 20 from 9:00 a.m. to noon. What a great way to start your day! Nearly everyone, young and old, loves hot pancakes with butter and syrup. And, to go with the pancakes…

All about living well at Robson Ranch

Kristen Price Many Robson Ranch residents don’t know exactly what the Robson Living Well Committee is all about. It isn’t just another club. This one is part of the HOA and your dues help support these committee events. Our vision is to help educate our residents on not only healthier lifestyles, but also in furthering…

The Community needs your vote

We are one month into our education program on a proposed amendment to the Robson Ranch Denton Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs). A number of residents have already voted. But we would like a yes or no vote for the adoption of this amendment from every property in the Robson Ranch Denton community. This amendment…

Rock and Roll Martini Group celebrates the 60s

Dave Parker The Rock and Roll Martini Group began the new year celebrating the 1960s and the British invasion of America. Newly elected for membership, Jim and Nancy Burns, were the House Band (host) for the evening of music trivia, British food and martinis. Jim and Nancy served up­—what other than—bangers and mash. They also…

Proposed CC&R amendment

In January, you will have the opportunity to vote on a proposed amendment to the Robson Ranch Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs). The proposed amendment will establish a fee, called the Community Improvement Fee (CIF). The fee will provide additional funding for homeowner-desired improvements, as well as a minimum of 5 years of supplemental funding…

Our Daily Bread dinner dance February 23rd

A Heart for the Hungry is the theme of a dinner and dance to be held on February 23, 2019 at The Clubhouse at Robson Ranch, as a fundraiser benefiting Our Daily Bread. The evening will include dinner, dancing, and a live and silent auction to help raise much needed funds as Our Daily Bread…

Voices United warm up the holidays

Phyllis Ayers The December holidays gave Voices United a chance to once again give back to the community. We partnered with Meals on Wheels to provide gift bags for the Denton residents being served by this wonderful organization. Over 200 gift bags were generously donated by Denton Sprouts Farmers Market’s General Manager, Ron Godec, which…

Robson Ranch explodes with holiday cheer

  Nancy Toppan Many neighborhood residents in Robson Ranch are banning together, decorating the streets with holiday cheer. Did you know that residents who display seasonal decorations as a group, have been found to feel more attached to their neighborhood and more involved with their neighbors? They are also, perceived as friendlier and more socially…

Looking ahead…

Sheilah Ross, Publicity Chair 2019 is just around the corner and it is hard to believe that 2018 passed so quickly. The Music Club and Community Choir is busy planning events for the coming year and finishing details for the Christmas at the Ranch concerts on Saturday, December 15 at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, December…