Champions Rotary Club member Don Fryer and Rotary friends Richard Cox, Justin Aubin, Rich Ogden, Brad Kearney, and MK Kearney
David Everly
On Oct. 20, District 5790 staged its first ever Bike Ride to End Polio. It was a huge success with 19 clubs and almost 70 riders participating, and raising several thousand dollars for their efforts.
Don Fryer and his five Rotary friends, who will be riding in the event together, all have different personal reasons for being part of the Miles to End Polio Team. But they all have one thing in common, a desire to help Rotary’s effort to eradicate polio. Don says, “my main objective in riding is likewise to support our top priority of ridding the world of this disease.
I am hoping my ride draws attention to Polio in Texas and throughout the world. The amount I will raise for polio eradication through my ride isn’t tremendous, but if I can get more Rotary members in Texas to practice peer-to-peer fundraising, we could do some tremendous good for worthy projects like this.”