Klaus Dannenberg is giving his sweet wife Betty a loving kiss.
Frances Hackley, Publicity Chair
Some members of the Robson Ranch Community Choir delivered Singing Valentines for the first time here in Robson on Sunday the 21st. Extreme cold caused the club to cancel the original date, which, of course, was Valentine’s Day. The postponement didn’t change the sentiment and love conveyed in the Valentines in the least bit. It turned out to be a warm and truly uplifting experience for everyone. Not only did the day turn out to be sunny and warm, but so were the gracious residents of Robson that signed up and received a Valentine. Residents had a choice of five songs to pick from to be sung to their loved one, friend, special person, or someone who needed a little happiness. They also received a card, a rose, and two cupcakes. Folks chose songs that had special meaning for them or their Valentine. Some Valentine recipients had no idea they were being sent a Valentine, which made for some real fun and especially touching moments. Quite a few Valentine folks were brought to tears, as were the singers. Most even celebrated the occasion with a Valentine kiss! In fact, one such smooch was caught on camera. Wonderful moments of couples dancing and even singing along made the day a jubilation for all involved. I think it was an especially welcomed diversion after the crazy weather week we had. That is what music does for people. It can connect us to one another like nothing else can. It can evoke a memory we had long forgotten about. Music, whether an anthem, a love song, protest song, or lullaby, stirs an emotion. That is why music is used as a type of therapy for depression, anxiety, and even some learning disabilities. On that bright sunny Sunday, some members of the Robson Ranch Choir got to spread some “happy” and it was an especially awesome day!
The Robson Ranch Music Club sends out a great big thank you to those who participated in our very first Singing Valentines. It gave us a chance to sing again and share the gift of song. We so enjoyed all the special heartwarming moments you shared with us.
Go to our website, www.rrmusicclub.com, for updates on coming events sponsored by the Robson Ranch Music Club.