Democrats, what’s on the Zoom agenda for today?
Vicki Baker
It was the fourth Thursday of the month, and the Robson Ranch Democratic Club was scheduled to gather for its monthly membership meeting. Temperatures fell below freezing, and a thin film of ice covered the roads making it much too hazardous to travel outside our homes. But a bit of bad weather didn’t halt the club from going forward. Undeterred, the in-person gathering was seamlessly transitioned into a virtual Zoom meeting, with members and guests all appearing via their home computers.
With the midterm election season in full swing, candidates running in the Democratic primary were invited to speak. Ferdi Mongo, candidate for District 12 of the State Senate, wants to put his experience to work. An immigrant from Cameroon and naturalized U.S. citizen, Mongo experienced first-hand tyranny and poverty, as well as opportunities to make a better life. He advocates for hardworking people by supporting livable wages, improved educational opportunities, and women’s rights. Learn more at www.ferdimongo.com/home.
Fabian Thomas, candidate for Denton County Judge, born in the Panama Canal Zone, immigrated to the U.S. and became a U.S. citizen. He dedicated his entire life to service in the U.S. Air Force, Texas Air National Guard, Central Intelligence Agency, and Department of the Interior. Thomas campaigns for early childhood education, services for special needs children, and economic growth for Denton businesses and workers. Visit fabian4judge.com/about.html for more information.
Delonia Watson, candidate for Justice of District 2 Court of Appeals, seeks to bring balance to the Texas Appeals Court. A graduate of Harvard Law School and licensed for 38 years with a focus on appellate law, Watson advocates for consistent and insistent adherence to the rule of law. Her mantra, the rule of law does not choose sides. Check out her website at deloniawatson4justice.com.
General business was also addressed during the meeting. Results of a club-wide survey were reported and discussed identifying its top priorities as the club moves forward in 2022: disseminating factual and up-to-date information on local, state, and national political issues; meeting candidates running for office; and registering new voters at Robson Ranch.
The RR Democratic Club is actively engaged in our community. We coordinate candidate forums and “coffees,” present speakers addressing a variety of topics directly affecting Denton, conduct fundraisers, participate in the July 4th parade, and host summer and winter social events. To keep up to date on all club activities, check out: Robson Ranch Democratic Club website, Robson Ranch Democratic Club Facebook page, HOA email announcements, Pioneer Press articles, Robson Ranch Denton HOA website, GroupWorks, and Newbies at Robson Ranch Facebook page.
Interested in getting involved to help the Democratic Party’s causes? Then look into the Robson Ranch Democratic Club. Learn about the issues, meet fellow Democrats in your community, and take action! The monthly club meeting is held on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. For more information, contact [email protected].