Democrats—Helping People, Changing Lives

They dare to make a difference: Paul Meltzer, Neil Durrance, Ernest Lineberger, and Sandy Swan

Vicki Baker

The Texas Democratic Party was founded with the goal of giving every Texan a fair shot at a life of freedom and success. Local Democratic candidates and county party chairs stand ready for victory this November to march toward a state as great as its promise. And the Robson Ranch Democratic Club (RRDC) is proudly working alongside them to achieve this goal.

Texas is the battleground of battlegrounds. We know it. And all Texans know it, too. To build on our party’s strength and influence this 2024 election cycle, the RRDC brought to the spotlight two dynamic candidates during its February monthly meeting.

Ernest Lineberger, U.S. Navy officer veteran and seasoned professional, is not just running for U.S. Congress in Texas’s 26th District. He is striving to be a voice for progress, unity, and principled, passionate leadership in Congress. To learn more about who Lineberger is and where he stands on the issues, visit

Neil Durrance, candidate for Denton County Democratic Party Chair, vows to unite the party and empower the community for a better future. He’ll devote his time in office focused on democratic values and on building a powerful Blue movement here in Denton. Learn more at

The ever-growing number of Democratic candidates on the ballot is a clear and positive sign of change in Texas politics—a change that wouldn’t be possible without an army of committed and dedicated volunteers. Sandy Swan, Democratic Party organizer and activist, invited the RRDC to join in her steadfast efforts to reach, register, and mobilize every eligible Democratic voter in Texas. Step up and volunteer today by contacting Sandy at [email protected].

Our final speaker for the evening, Paul Meltzer, City Councilman Place 3, gave us up-to-date happenings in the City of Denton. Projects proposed and/or underway include prohibition of puppy mills, Community Benefits Ordinance giving neighborhoods more empowerment in their local development, preserving green spaces in northeast section of the city, taking an intercity approach to mental health treatment and facilities, and making readily available Narcan at festivals to prevent fentanyl overdoses.

As you can see, we are an inclusive cross-section of this county motivated to create the change we need in Texas. If you’re looking for an active community of Democrats working to make that difference, come join us! The Robson Ranch Democratic Club is where local progressives come together on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the clubhouse. To find out more, visit our website,, follow us on Facebook, or contact [email protected].