Larry Varnes
Dick Anderson joined the Robson Ranch Kiwanis Club in the summer of 2009. He immediately connected with a group of members who worked with the Texas Ramp Project, building wooden ramps at the homes of wheelchair bound folks, allowing the client in many cases to get out of their dwelling for the first time in many months.
But then Dick began working with the Robson Ranch Patrol, and his schedule there allows him only an occasional day to participate in the Ramp Project. But his Patrol duty is very much appreciated because Dick has become something of an expert on snake removal. Not bad for a kid from Chicago!
Dick then observed that his wife Barbara was having a lot of fun with the mentoring program in Denton elementary schools, so Dick decided to give that a try. It is a great fit, and this begins Dick’s fourth year with Wednesday as Dick’s “school day,” Evers Park Elementary School in the morning, Tomas Rivera Elementary School after lunch, and the After-School Program at Borman Elementary School in the late afternoon.
Dick now coordinates the Robson Ranch mentor program at Evers Park School and is thrilled that there will be several new mentors at that school beginning later this month.
In addition to mentoring, Dick coordinates the Robson Ranch Kiwanis Club book purchase for the three elementary schools: Borman, Evers Park and Tomas Rivera. The club donates books during the school year either for the school library or for each child in a given classroom.
Dick was recipient of the prestigious Walter Zeller award earlier in the year for his accomplishments.
Dick joins his fellow Kiwanians focus on serving their community one person at a time. If you are like-minded, please stop by one of our meetings and introduce yourself. We would love to have you join us. We meet every first and third Friday in the clubhouse. Socializing starts at 8:30 am. with the meeting at 9:00.