Drama Club—Let’s Meet More Actors

Shirley Waterhouse

Fran Hackley

Mary Ornberg

The Robson Ranch Drama Club is a group of residents who perform plays and skits for the community. We are highlighting two actors who have entertained you in many of our past plays. Let’s get to know them in their own words …

Fran Hackley: “We moved to Robson from Corinth in August 2017, because my husband was expecting to retire soon and wanted to go somewhere with activities and entertainment. After graduating high school, I joined the Army to get the G.I. Bill to pay for college. I was a radiology technician and after leaving the service, continued working as a tech, then was the office manager for our business. We also owned a large Paint Horse breeding ranch at one time. My hobbies are singing, theater, grandkids, yardwork, ceramics, and crossword puzzles. Probably my greatest accomplishment is having raised strong, kind, amazing children. Something interesting I have done is that I was the first woman assigned to the 1st Cavalry, Fort Hood, and later the first woman assigned to a MUST unit in Fort Sam Houston, which is a combat support hospital. You wouldn’t know it, but I am very shy. In fact, when I was young, many of my family members thought I couldn’t talk. When asked to read out loud, I would stutter even. Since I was so terribly shy, I forced myself to take speech and drama classes in high school. I started singing in grade school and have always been in choirs. I’m currently in my church choir and the Robson Choir. I continue to perform in community theater and have a show, Cocktails with Mimi, opening June 2.”

Shirley Waterhouse: “We moved to Robson Ranch in May 2013 from Sherwood, Ark. We wanted to be closer to our children and five grandchildren. I attended Baptist Bible College to become a missionary. Afterwards, I attended Henderson State University and Baptist School of Nursing. My career was being an RN for a busy cardiologist hypertension clinic and making rounds at four hospitals. Something you didn’t know is that I have spent 15 years as a church youth leader, 20 years as a Cub/Weebly/Boy Scout leader, and district committee member. Also, 15 years as a Girl Scout and then leader. I have cycled in “distance” races in Arkansas. My hobbies include reading, languages, pickleball, choir, drama, playing games, and my grandkids. Interesting points in my life include skydiving, being in a cage with two live cheetahs, and having a nine-inch scorpion crawl up my arm on purpose. I’ve also willingly held a live cobra around my neck. Once, while canoeing with my husband, we accidentally went over a small waterfall. I hit my head and momentarily lost consciousness. I ended up under the canoe and was able to get a breath. I was okay except for a concussion.”

If you are interested in joining the Drama Club, please write to [email protected]. Our next performance will be Oct. 22. Mark your calendar.