Tom Gunther

Ronda Gunther
Mary Ornberg
Tom and Ronda Gunther talked about finding a home and a community here in Texas where they could really get plugged in and get to know and interact with people with similar interests and lifestyles. They moved to Robson Ranch on Aug. 3, 2021 (that day is also her birthday and their wedding anniversary!).
She was born and raised on a cattle ranch in a very remote part of Nebraska. It was so remote that grades K-8th were spent in a one-room schoolhouse with one teacher for all grades. Winters brought lots of snow and frequently being “snowed in,” so for high school, her parents sent her siblings and her to Nebraska Christian High School, a boarding school 110 miles from home. When she was little, she and her brother received toy ropes for Christmas one year. They were on a cattle ranch, and roping calves was a part of life. However, they were too little to rope calves, so they decided to rope the chickens. It was tons of fun until Mom caught them!
Ronda has lived in Dallas, Plano, Allen, Waco, and Rockwall, Texas; Florida; Michigan; Utah; and Nebraska. She was a registered nurse for 45 years prior to retirement. She also had specialty certifications in orthopedics and case management. The last 12 years of her nursing career were spent in creating and delivering medical software training for clinicians and examiners. She considers her greatest accomplishment working with a technology team to create clinical software.
Some of her hobbies include gardening, drama, sewing, piano, bocce, and softball. Ronda’s life has been full of adventures, challenges, and blessings.
Tom was born in Springfield, Ill. He has also lived in Arizona, California, Minnesota, Utah, Michigan (twice), and three times in Texas. He graduated from college with a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering, and most of his career was spent in the aerospace industry as an electrical systems and design engineer. He has had the privilege to work on several NASA programs, including the Space Shuttle program, the initial design efforts for the Space Station program, and a new Rocket program that would replace the retiring Space Shuttle system. Tom also had the extraordinary opportunity to get onboard some interesting aircraft and spacecraft and sit in the cockpits of some of them. The most notable of these was the Space Shuttle Discovery at the NASA facility in Cape Canaveral, Fla. He started his interest in space programs at a young age when he and his two youngest brothers decided to strap little toads they found in empty lots onto bottle rockets and shoot them into space.
Tom has several hobbies, which include writing poetry, reading, hiking, playing softball, bocce, and woodworking where he enjoys making pens, peppermills, charcuterie boards, and chess boards. Tom currently co-leads the Goodland Good News Men’s Bible Study. “I truly have led a good life and have been blessed by some great neighbors and new friends at Robson Ranch.”