Book discussions are back. A photo from the For Whom the Bell Tolls panel and audience.
Alan Albarran
Hopefully our headline grabbed your attention! The annual meeting of the Friends of the Library (FOL) is coming soon—Wednesday, July 14 at 3 p.m. We will meet in the clubhouse for an in-person meeting for the first time since July 2019!
We were able to gather on May 27 for our second book discussion of the year featuring Ernest Hemingway’s war novel For Whom the Bell Tolls. Thanks to everyone who came out to support that event.
Now we are busy finalizing plans for our annual meeting. Because it has been so long since we last met—and we all need a chance to gather—the FOL executive committee is providing a free beverage ticket to everyone who attends. We will also have some light refreshments after the meeting.
Here’s how we have things organized. Doors will open to the ballroom at 2:30 p.m. Upon arrival, you will need to stop at one of the tables to verify your membership in FOL. Once verified, you will receive your drink ticket (only one—other drinks available on an individual cash bar basis).
You also will receive a raffle ticket for one of the door prizes to be given away during the meeting. Note that each person must be a member in good standing to receive a drink ticket. If your spouse or significant other is not a member that’s a shame! You can join “at the door” for $10 each. A check is preferred, and please list your email address on the check made out to Friends of the Library. We will also accept cash in the exact amount. You can join FOL anytime by dropping off your check in the drop box on the counter in the library at the Creative Arts and Technology Center.
We will begin the annual meeting around 3 p.m. Here’s a brief preview. We will ask members to approve the minutes from last year’s meeting prepared by outgoing Secretary Ann Madigan. Then Treasurer Jim Ryerson will share the annual financial report. These documents are posted on GroupWorks for your review. The Nominating Committee report will be presented by Immediate Past Chair Linda Bono, who will present candidates for Secretary and Vice Chair (Debbie Blackburn and Jane Scholz, respectively).
Outgoing Chair Alan Albarran will present a summary of the past year and then introduce Marsha Scholze, who will assume the role of chair of FOL for the next year. Marsha will share her plans for the upcoming year. We will be giving away a few door prizes in between the business aspects of the meeting so that’s another incentive for you to attend.
Once business is concluded we hope you will stay for a while to enjoy refreshments and each other’s company. The meeting itself is not expected to last longer than 30 to 45 minutes, so there will be ample social time. Hope to see you on Wednesday, July 14!