Friends of the Library Celebrates Years of Supporting Our Library

Jane Scholz

Friends of the Library (FOL) celebrated its seventh annual meeting and anniversary of providing financial resources to the Robson Ranch community library with an event in the library that drew about 50 members.

Members won 18 door prizes, including lots of books and book-related gifts, as well as cooking equipment, gifts for dog and cat lovers, and several home décor items.

Klaus Dannenberg, one of the founders and first board chair of FOL, recalled its founding in April of 2018 in response to a proposal to reduce the library’s space to make room for a woodshop expansion.

He recalled talking with Ed Robson, then chair of Robson Development, and other company executives about the library’s value to people who live here. As a result, FOL was founded both to raise funds for the library and to show that many people support our community library.

Gil Clifton, chair of the Library Subcommittee which oversees library operations, reported that this year the library, now open seven days a week, reported 30 to 35 resident visits a day, with 10,000 to 12,000 visits a year. He recalled that prior to FOL, the library had to rely on donations of used books, making it difficult to organize themed reading events like the Historical Fiction activity that’s underway now. “Being able to order and buy books has made a big difference,” he said.

Deborah Diehl, the incoming FOL chair, said that a competition among Robson book clubs to sign up new FOL members in May and June had netted 33 new members. The winning book club was Book Buddies.

The club’s new officers are Diehl as chair, Dianna Lucas as chair-elect, and Elaine Kushmaul as past chair. Secretary Deb Blackburn and Treasurer Frannie Howard will continue in their roles with the club.

New members are welcome! Robson residents can join or renew their FOL memberships at