Carl Smothers, Mary
Jo Skillings-Belding, and
Jan Marx led a spirited
book discussion on November 14.
Linda Bono
Have you had a yen to eavesdrop on a book discussion, hear a stimulating lecture or participate in an educational seminar without making a major commitment or even leaving the Ranch? Then this is the place for you! The newly formed Friends of the Library just initiated a continuing series of programs in the library that we’re calling Friends with Words. The way we see it friends and words imply more than the popular Scrabble-like computer game that we all play. These two elements bring us lots of fun and pleasure wherever they’re combined! Drawing on the wealth of talent in our Robson community, the series will offer a variety of programs throughout the year. Mark your calendars for the next program, scheduled for Friday, January 11, 2019 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the library and followed by a social in The Wildhorse Lounge from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
A panel of three Robson Ranch authors provided the cornerstone of our inaugural program on November 14, garnering great reviews from the thirty plus attendees. Mary Jo Skillings-Belding, Jan Marx and Carl Smothers led a spirited discussion about the winner of our recent vote for Robson Ranch’s Best-Loved Novel, The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. The panel shared their thoughts on the book and encouraged audience participation by throwing out thought-provoking questions for discussion. By the end of the program, it was agreed that no matter what we thought about the book, the discussion caused us to rethink our opinions and often led to additional fact-checking on art, religion and history. And importantly, most participants felt that Brown provided a fast-paced thrill ride of a story. After the discussion, audience members and the panel continued their dialog during a social at The Wildhorse Grill.
The next program in the Friends with Words series will focus on the winner of the PBS nationwide vote, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. LaDonna Womochel will lead the panel on January 11. Have you met an Atticus, a Scout, a Jem or a Harper? Maybe a Boo or a Calpurnia? Published 58 years ago, this much-loved book has even caused readers to name their children and pets after the characters and the author. Really! People have reported reading this book every single year. So it came as no surprise that it won the number one spot in the nationwide PBS Great American Read! The discussion is sure to be engaging. Plan to be there! Mark your calendar now!
Friends of the Library (FOL) encourages suggestions from the community for books and topics of interest for future programs. Share your ideas with a FOL board member or put a note in the FOL drop box in the library. Whether you’re a FOL member or not, we want your ideas. Of course, we’d love to have you join Friends of the Library (dues are only $10 annually)!