Dr. Florian Dibra of Texas Joint Institute
Claudia J. Caporale
We may have escaped the zero-degree temps of yesteryear, but I think an ice storm and below-freezing temperatures for a week may have trumped that freeze. Hopefully, it didn’t infringe on any Valentine’s plans you may have had. Special loving thoughts could be any day of the month and, I promise, spring is on the way, and there is so much to do on the Ranch, including new plantings. Robson Ranch now has a total of 178 Box Gardens. There are 15 now available, and each rents for $40 a year. If interested, contact Linda Caron at [email protected].
Have you met our two new vendors? Michele Smith, owner of Veteran’s Liberty Ranch, will be offering grass-fed beef, pork, and lamb, and Joshua Alaniz, owner of Former Grain Bakery, will be offering freshly baked cookies and breads. Check our website rrlwc.com for additional information on them, as well as all our other vendors. A big thank you to Liz Denkins for securing all our vendors.
Our monthly presentations have been a huge success, thanks to Scott Barringer who has secured informative professionals. In fact, we’ve had to go to a larger room to accommodate more chairs and residents on Feb. 24 for Dr. Florian Dibra of Texas Joint Institute who presented informative and graphic illustrations of hip and knee replacement surgeries.
Our March line-up includes:
On Thursday, March 16, at 1 p.m., Laura Redman of Orthopedics Spine & Pain Management Center will discuss injuries and treatments related to sports injuries, including tennis, golf, pickleball, and others.
On Saturday, March 11, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., it’s the annual Robson Ranch Open House where you’ll find club information on all the clubs, events, and activities here at the Ranch. This is especially helpful to newcomers. Our Living Well Committee will be there with event information, including the scoop on this year’s HOA Annual Olympics. Stop by and say hello. We’d love to meet you and get your feedback on our monthly presentations and events.
Don’t forget to spring forward on March 12. You won’t want to miss the upcoming big annual event on March 25: the Robson Ranch Annual Health Fair. There you’ll find professional providers with clinical information in all genres. Bring a notebook, as you’ll want to take notes.
On Tuesday, April 4, at 1 p.m., Dr. David Shau, orthopedic surgeon, will return to speak on Joint Health Care, and on Thursday, April 20, at 1 p.m., Doni Green, director of aging programs, will discuss Senior Care. Check our website, rrlwc.com, for all the upcoming events.
Don’t forget, blood pressure checks are available every Wednesday for your convenience.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day on the 17th. I’m sure there was green beer somewhere!