Lavelle Carlson
The After Schoolers Club of Robson Ranch is 50+ strong. We, along with other generous groups in Robson, try to do our share in helping others. Our targets are the teachers and also the neediest families at Borman Elementary School of Denton. The most rewarding aspect of being a giving group in Robson Ranch in Denton is that we are not competing with the other groups. We all work together.
This togetherness was very apparent this year after making our request for food. This year was different. In the past we had set boxes up in two locations on the Ranch. This year, following a change in the rules for the locations, there was some concern that we would not be able to fill the baskets as we had in the past.
We did not have the anticipated problem of getting the message out to the Robson residents to help in our goal of filling 26 baskets of food, stockings, and toys, and scarves. There were many Robson Ranch residents who were aware of the change in location for food donations or they saw us on the many days we sat at the table in the clubhouse with our sign. We were able to collect quite a bit of food at the tables.
However, the donation collection would not have been as strong if it were not for other groups and people stepping up. The pickleball players collected a great amount of food that was delivered by our secretary, Nancy Burns. The Kiwanis Club donated money for hams and other canned meat. We also had several cash donations that provided gift cards for each family receiving baskets of food. This year the library, headed by Linda Terry, brought children’s books that were put in the baskets to feed the mind as well as the food for the body. We can never fail to give accolades to the Material Girls who provide the stockings each year and also Bonnie Tomas and Marge Lane who provided crocheted scarves (greatly needed this year).
Last of all, we cannot give enough thanks to our members who spend time at the collection tables and help to load the baskets. A big thanks goes to LeRoy Carlson for sorting the food in his garage as it came in to make the basket filling more efficient. I would also like to thank grandparents who often bring their grandchildren to help. We give kudos to Bob and Sheryl Cook for bringing their two grandsons, Avery and Davis, to help fill the baskets. This is help and generosity that will help future generations by instilling in these young men the quality of kindness.
One really big thank you goes to all who help the After Schoolers in their annual Christmas food drive for the neediest of families.