First row (left to right): Pat Heberling; Francesca Romano, president; Kathy McMahon, secretary; Sue Onstott; Carolyn Buchmann, vice president; BK Murphy Nickles; Judith Smothers; second row: Jerry Ulrich; Ray Balton; Joan McDermott, treasurer; Deb Harell; Trinka Taylor; and Sandy and Bob Hestes
Frances Romano
The Paint & Palette Club (P&P Club) is very excited to present a new and fun exhibition scheduled for Oct. 24 through 29, in the Clubhouse Hallways featuring many dressed-up easels.
Our artists are already churning up their ideas for this event. We will have an opening reception with an open cash bar Oct. 28, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. We will also have a ballot box where you can vote for your favorite easels. So, get ready for a wonderful event!
Our P&P Club just recently wished Carolyn Buchmann a happy birthday by surprising her with a beautiful cake created by BK Murphy Nickles. Carolyn was the originator in 2006 of the P&P Club and she is a valued member who, like so many of us, gives us her time and advice.