Girls Gone Wild – The Wildhorse Lady Niners are back

Mary Ornberg

March 7 was “opening day” for the Wildhorse Lady Niners. We have been waiting patiently all winter for the beginning of our organized play day of golf and fun. The rules of golf were loosely adhered to while we played through our scramble. Afterwards lunch was provided in the clubhouse. A short business meeting was conducted including information from our treasurer, an approval of our revised bylaws and a current membership report stating we already have 130 ladies.

Darla Mahan stirred up interest in the Fourth of July parade. Red will be the official shirt color of all ladies participating in the drill team. A coordinated appearance will be maintained for us to look as good or better than last year. We are looking forward to practicing again!

Sandy Welch, social chair, entertained all with a trivia game based on the states of the U.S. Winners were awarded wonderful prizes. In addition a drawing was held for a door prize.

Finally, Mary Ornberg introduced the latest in her “classic hits.” This was a sequel based on the good girls vs. bad girls theme that the public has come to love. The good girls knew the rules of golf, but clearly the bad girls needed to be refreshed or schooled in the rules. This humorous short drove home some points that we all need to consider. David Thatcher, our golf pro, was on hand to clarify and expand on these rules as well as any others. All the membership is encouraged to review all the rules for our association in order that we will have an equal playing field and less confusion when it comes to scoring.

Remember, you can join this group of women golfers by downloading a membership application from the website:, go to “clubs” and then to “Wildhorse Lady Niners” or call membership chairperson Jan Norton at 940-271-0376.

We are all about having fun!