Happy Potters – Class of  January 2018


Carolyn Detjen

January 15, 2018 started five new students on their journey down Pottery Lane. Katie Petropoulos, Brenda Stauty, Debbra King, Mimi Mankuso, and Jeanie Martenez have been learning The fundamentals of hand-built clay pottery. Pinch pots, shakers or rattles, hump molds or slump bowls, and coils are now new vocabulary for the ladies. Once the new processes have become old hat to them, they will take on challenges making pots that we will be admiring and they will give as gifts or enter into competitions for blue ribbons. There is so much to learn and many thrills down the lane so that it takes a hearty soul to accomplish the possibilities. We stay young in heart and mind when we stretch our brains around new conquests.

We are the Happy Potters! Watch our window as the seasons change.