Lorraine Wilson
The Robson Ranch Happy Tails Dog Club meets the second Saturday of the month at 10:30 a.m., in the CATC building, Room 103. We invite everyone who has a dog or is interested in dogs to join our club. New membership dues are $10 per household per year, and renewal is $5. Check out our club and our pets on our website, rrhappytailsdogclub.weebly.com.
Our Feb. 12 meeting was a new and special event for pet owners! We had a dog paraphernalia Swap Meet. The turnout was great, and everyone had fun with many treasures found. Any items left over at the end of the Swap Meet were donated to Humane Tomorrow and other animal rescue groups. A big thank you to everyone who turned out and donated goods.
At our March 12 meeting we’ll have a very special guest speaker, Paul Lake, founder and executive director of Search One Rescue. Search One Rescue Team helps official government agencies find lost or missing persons, including missing children, elderly walkaways, suicidal persons, human remains, disaster victims, and many other types of searches. Paul will bring two of his search and rescue dogs with him to the presentation, so this will be a very interesting meeting.
Our April 9 meeting will be a pet owner meet, greet, and brag event. Now, what exactly does that mean? We are asking members to bring photos of their dog(s) and take a few minutes to introduce yourself and your furry companions. Tell us how you found, rescued, or purchased your beloved pet. What breed is your pet? Characteristics you most love (and those that drive you crazy). Any special training you and your pet went through to achieve perfect harmony. This is a chance to get to know fellow members and tell the whole club about your furry companion.