First place winners: Jim and Pat Reese; Ron and Nita Ice; John and Mary Rhode; Bob and Lauren Hahn (Frosted Flakes)
Shelbi Berg
The first Trivia Night of the year really got people thinking! Concierge Medical hosted the event. Dr. Chris Hughes and his wife Kochei and their two co-workers, loved the game and stayed entertained by the residents. They brought door prizes which consisted of Starbucks gift cards and snacks for the players! They did an excellent job being the MC and keeping time.
There were 25 playing teams and three spectating teams and they were full of cheers when they got a question right and “boos” if they missed it! We started with some tougher questions, but the second round brought some teams in the lead!
For those that haven’t played before, there are six rounds of questions which are made up of three questions each and teams bet points on their answers. The halftime question had six possible answers and teams received one point for each correct answer. The final question was worth 20 points and teams could bet a minimum of one point; if they bet zero points, they lost all 20 points. At this point of the night it’s all about strategy when betting on the final question. Most of the teams were close going into the final questions but the majority got the answer correct!
The categories vary each Trivia Night but here are a few of the questions from the February Trivia. Answers are at the bottom.
1. Animals: What is a group of owls called?
2. Celebrities: Who was the first Hollywood actress to appear on the U.S. postage stamp?
3. Travel: By law, what color is a gondola in Venice, Italy?
4. Final Question – Clothing: What are the little plastic tips on each end of a shoelace called?
Eight team members work together as one to come up with the answer and have three minutes to submit it!
The winning team members each received Wildhorse Grill gift certificates.
Frosted Flakes – 71 points; Grandview Brilliance – 68 points; We’re Not Second – 64 points
Mark your calendars for the August Trivia Night: Friday, August 2 7:00-9:30 p.m. sponsored by S&J Pharmacy represented by Jason Woelfel. Head over to the Wildhorse Grill for an early dinner and then come ready to play!
Answers: 1. Parliament; 2. Grace Kelly; 3. Black; 4. An aglet.