How Does a Donated Book Get on the Robson Library Shelf?

Lorraine Wilson

Many residents donate their slightly used, much-loved fiction and nonfiction books to the Robson Ranch Library. Donations have been the heart of the Robson Library since it opened its doors in 2008, including the many books purchased and donated by Friends of the Library (FOL), which raises the question, “What criteria is used to determine which donated books make it to the shelves?”

The answer is not always simple, and considering that our Book Selections Committee evaluates over 1,000 donated books each year, the task can be very tedious. The guidelines that serve as the criteria for the Robson Library Donation Policy (and that Robson residents can review before bringing their book to the library) include:

Condition and Number of Items

* Is the book clean, with bindings and covers intact?

* Do I have no more than 10 books (the maximum number of items accepted at one time)?

Age of Material

* If hardback fiction, is it published within the past three years?

* If paperback fiction, is it published (preferably) within the past three years?

* If nonfiction, is it published within the past five years?

Note: The Book Selections Committee does take into account the popularity of the author and how well similar books have been received in our community, based on circulation reporting, when accepting a book. All donated items become the property of the Robson Ranch HOA and will not be returned.

Relation to Existing Collection

* Is this a duplicate of current holdings?

* Does the material fit within subject categories (except for books authored by a Robson Ranch resident)?

Potential User Appeal

* Does this book fit with the surveys of residents’ preferences that are conducted periodically?

* Would this book be appropriate in the Robson community, based on reporting of circulation patterns?

* Does this book have positive reviews by respected critics?

The policy criteria for nonfiction books requires more extensive research by our Book Selections Committee. Nonfiction includes the above guidelines, along with the following criteria:

* Credentials of the author and reputation of the publisher.

* Reviews from credible, reliable, and established standard library review sources.

* Anticipated long-term value or interest in the subject matter and enduring accuracy of the subject.

* Appeal to a broad group of library patrons, supported by data reporting through our online library management system.

* Representation of balanced viewpoints.

To read the complete Robson Ranch Library Donation Acceptance Policy, please visit the library or the library website, The website covers a wealth of information, including a list of area places that buy used books and charities that accept books. Thank you for your donations!