The Drama Club Has Done It Again

Mary Ornberg

After months of play selection, auditions, and rehearsals, the curtains came up and the Robson Ranch Drama Club, in four heartfelt comedies, dazzled and entertained over 200 Robson Ranch residents, friends, and family members. The audience enthusiasm triggered the actors into high gear. Laughter was heard throughout the clubhouse.

The first play was The Journey, by Dreena Heiser, starring Vicki Parr, Frankie Germany, Don Taylor, and Jere Bone who played the pilot. Bob should’ve stayed home from this airline trip. He didn’t know about the odd people on board and the strange announcements.

In a relatable scenario, The Committee, by Charles Alverson, was performed by Mary Fabian, Ronda Gunther, Belynda Figueriedo, Julia Grier, Jere Bone, and David Blassingame, and Oscar was played by Alan Stark. Before Keith can settle in at the retirement community, he’s brought before the self-appointed committee. To gain approval of the group, he’s having to meet quite a list of zany requirements.

This was followed by Bruce and Clark, by Bruce Kane, with Tom Gunther and Tony Kura playing the title roles. Lisa Locke entertained us as the waitress. Two old friends connected poolside at a vacation resort.

Radio KRZY, by Pamela Loyd, was the grand finale. The cast of the radio station included Tammy Pickard, Stephanie Miyake, Grace Jenkins, Tom Gunther, Diane Prager, and Ronda Gunther. This is a farcical, wacky comedy about the shenanigans, backstage drama, and on-air screw-ups of the cast and crew of a small town radio station where everything goes a little crazy.

Doug Akins and Tony Kura acted out a Dragnet skit in The Clapper Caper, which followed intermission.

Candy Anderson directed The Journey, and Doug Akins, with his assistant Kathy Jacobs, directed all the remaining plays. Support behind the scenes was provided by Joyce Frey, David Blassingame, Barbara Cummins, Janie Farnsworth, Katherine Vess, Jerry Jenkins, Michelle Boscoe, Robin Bernier, Carl Boscoe, and Donna French.

If you are interested in seeing what the Drama Club is all about, behind the scenes or on stage, please attend our meeting held the second Thursday of each month or write to President Mary Ornberg at [email protected].