As you can see we usually get a full house, so be sure to get your tickets in advance of the February play date.
Larry Varnes
Thanks to the ongoing efforts of the Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch, Bingo is returning to the clubhouse for the enjoyment of Robson Ranch residents on February 22, 2015 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
In addition to being a lot of fun with the ability to win big cash prizes, Bingo at Robson Ranch supports the Kiwanis International Foundation’s “Eliminate” project to eradicate neo-natal tetanus across the globe.
The Kiwanis Club at Robson Ranch has been disappointed, as we’re sure you have, that we have been unable to host our favorite game for quite some time due to technical licensing issues. Those issues have been resolved. We are working again with the North Texas Bingo folks that have run our last four sessions. They do a bang-up job in running our bingo games. We’ll be distributing no-cost tickets at the west end of the clubhouse on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. the weeks of February 9 and February 16. These tickets will be needed for admission to the games on February 22. We’ll remind you via HOA announcements and the message board as we get closer to the event.
Save the date: February 22. Should you have any questions, please contact Mike Weaver at 940-391-9614 or [email protected].
I hope to see you there.