Comfort Dolls delivered to the Rainbow Room
Empowering Change: Kiwanis Club’s Impact on the Rainbow Room and Resource Room
At a recent meeting, the Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch welcomed Region 3 West Faith-Based and Community Engagement Specialist Myrna Mason who provided educational information about the Department of Family and Protective Services’ Rainbow Rooms. Myrna offered valuable insights into the program’s history and shared her experiences and involvement over the years.
A huge highlight was the members’ delivery of 50 Comfort Dolls to the Rainbow Room coordinator in Denton. The Comfort Dolls will be distributed to caseworkers so they can have them in their vehicles when a removal occurs. Thanks to Myrna, the Kiwanis Club was also able to purchase essential items for the Rainbow Room and Resource Room through an Amazon registry. The club also provided Visa gift cards to be utilized for children when in need of items not found in the Rainbow Room or Resource Room, such as food items during a transition of removal process.
The Rainbow Room is an emergency resource center located within local Child Protective Services (CPS) offices. The Rainbow Rooms are actual storerooms stocked with emergency and transitional resources. Child Protective Service caseworkers distribute all new items, such as clothing, shoes, coats, diapers, lice kits, hygiene items, and more, for children who are victims of abuse or neglect who are entering foster, kinship care, and other placement options.
The Rainbow Rooms are supported by volunteers and are stocked strictly through donations of new items and in-kind giving. The Rainbow Rooms do not accept used items. By donating to the Rainbow Room or Resource Room, you’ll make a powerful and immediate impact on a child’s safety, health, and comfort.
There are currently 220 Rainbow Rooms serving the children of Texas. There are two Rainbow Rooms in Denton County, located at the CPS offices in Denton and Lewisville.
An Amazon registry has been established for anyone to use, allowing items to be ordered and shipped directly to the Rainbow Room coordinator. The link to the Amazon registry is www.amazon.com/registries/gl/guest-view/2RB1UB985QW80.

Kiwanis Division 8 Lt. Governor Robin Meyer (left) and Bill Wilson
Kiwanis Club Installs New Officers
The Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch recently installed new Officers and board members for the upcoming year. Robin Meyer, Division 8 Kiwanis Lt. Governor, spoke to the members and installed the new club leadership.
Bill Wilson was installed as the new club president. Bill is an experienced Kiwanis member and served as president-elect for the past year. The club looks forward to Bill’s leadership skills to continuously enhance the club’s support of the kids and families of Denton County.
Other officers installed were Barbara Leurig, past president; Greg Laffey, vice president; Roy Meyer, treasurer; and Ed Ahrens as secretary. New board members will be Gwynn Rucker and Jeff Frick. Returning board members are Jim Ryerson, Timothy Munz, and Chris Laffey.
The Robson Ranch Kiwanis Club is one of almost 8,000 clubs whose motto is “Serving the Children of the World.” The Robson Ranch Club focuses on “Serving the Children and Families of Denton County so that, One Day, All Children Will Wake Up in Communities that Believe in Them, Nurture Them, and Provide the Support They Need to Thrive.”
The Robson Ranch Kiwanis Club meets on the first and third Friday at 9 a.m. in the Medina/Bandera Room. Visitors are always welcome to attend, hear speakers from our community, and learn about our organization.
You can follow our club at www.facebook.com/kcrobsonranch or check our website at www.kcrobsonranch.org.

Samantha Sims of Giving Grace (left) and Bill Wilson, Kiwanis Club president
Giving Grace Presentation
At a recent meeting, Kiwanis Club President Bill Wilson introduced Samantha Sims, Chief Development Director at Giving Grace Denton. Samantha enlightened the members about Giving Grace and the programs and activities it provides in Denton County. Samantha shared experiences she witnessed of the work of Giving Grace as they work in the Denton neighborhoods to seek out the homeless and provide a whole array of support and services to assist the individuals and families. The club made a donation to Giving Grace.
Giving Grace is a 501(c)(3) organization that serves individuals and families with children in Denton County who are currently homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless. By offering continuum of care, they empower individuals and families with the consistent support and community they need. Giving Grace typically supports more than 400 individuals and families each month.
In 2016, Giving Hope collaborated with Denton’s police department about connecting with Giving Hope’s Street Outreach team and broadening the area of accessibility. The team travels into encampments, abandoned buildings, under bridges, parking lots, and streets regularly to build relationships with clients living in these areas. They work to break the cycle of homelessness, addressing barriers, and connect clients to the resources needed. Therefore, the clients do not have to come to Giving Hope, but they have a way to reach them, and they consistently work on building the relationship that is needed to transition from homelessness to housing, one life at a time. Samantha reported on how the case workers follow up frequently with the people they are supporting to help with needed daily items and care.
The signature housing program was developed to assist families experiencing homelessness with at least one member living with a disability to obtain safe, stable, and affordable housing. This program offers Housing Stability, Support Services, Life Skills Classes, and Intensive Case Management.
Giving Grace also assists in stabilizing housing for individuals in jeopardy due to COVID-19, Job Loss, Medical Emergency, or Family Conflict.
When a family in one of the assistance programs relocates, Giving Grace often covers their first month’s rent to help get them settled and always provides furniture and move-in items to ensure a smooth transition. Giving Grace also partners with Second Chance Landlords to help individuals qualify for housing.
Each family in the Rise with Grace program is provided with not only a case manager, but also a volunteer family coach to provide community, support, and companionship throughout their journey. There are six case managers in the field and one shelter case manager at their emergency shelter location.
Love First is a grand vision for a life-changing community campus that will include housing, paired with supportive services, for up to 75 families. It will provide a place of transition and growth for families in Denton County seeking to break the cycle of homelessness and housing instability and transform their life!
For more information about Giving Grace, see their website at www.givinggrace.org.
Kiwanis Club Bingo Dates
The Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch is excited to announce the 2025 dates for Classic Bingo! Classic Bingo will be held at the clubhouse, with doors opening at 1:15 p.m. and play starting at 2 p.m.
The 2025 dates are as follows:
Sunday, Jan. 26
Sunday, March 23
Sunday, June 22
Sunday, Sept. 21
There are 15 games played, with challenging winning patterns. More than $1,300 in prizes is awarded to Bingo winners.
We invite everyone to come out and join your friends and neighbors for a fun-filled, challenging afternoon of Bingo!