Left to right: Jim Smith, Barbara Leurig, Patrick McCage
At the recent Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch meeting, new officers and board members for the 2023-24 year were installed.
Special guests at the meeting were Patrick McCage, TX-OK Kiwanis immediate Past District Governor, and Jim Smith, current Division Lt. Governor. Patrick and Jim gave enthusiastic messages to the members about Kiwanis activities. Patrick highlighted the many opportunities members have for youth volunteer programs and the importance of this in our communities. He reflected on the rewards he has felt through his volunteering and hopes that these rewarding feelings will continue to drive the local officers and members in their Kiwanis work.
Patrick and Jim installed the 2023-24 officers and board members. New officers are Barbara Leurig, president; Bill Wilson, president-elect; Roy Meyer, treasurer; Ed Ahrens, secretary; Kathy Perry, board member; and Jim Ryerson, board member.
The club members look forward to an exciting upcoming Kiwanis year.