A bevy of Belles enjoys a Friday social gathering. (Photo by Lynne Kelsey)
Lynne Kelsey
Ladies of the Robson Ranch Republican Club, here’s a fall checklist for your convenience:
1. Are you a female member of the Republican Club? Then you’re a Liberty Belle! Check!
2. Have you purchased a ticket for the Belles of the Fall Luncheon on Sept. 26 featuring our own Ann Patterson speaking about her career with NASA? If not, tickets will be sold in the clubhouse from 9 to 11 a.m. on Sept. 18 and 20, or your check for $22 can be dropped off at 12104 Willet Way or 9629 Colbert Cove by Sept. 20. If you’ve already reserved your seat, Check!
3. Are you interested in helping out at Twice As Nice Resale to benefit the Woman to Woman Pregnancy Center? You can find out more about volunteering at any monthly meeting. If you’re already donating a few hours a month there, Check!
4. Do you want to read books with a conservative worldview and discuss them with fellow Liberty Belles? Our next book is If You Can Keep It, by Eric Metaxas. Contact Judy Martin-Tafoya at [email protected] for information on meeting dates and times. If you’ve already got four pages of notes on the first chapter, Check!
5. Have you joined the Liberty Belles in the Lounge at the Grill on the last Friday of the month at 3:30 p.m. to enjoy socializing with a great group of women? If you have, Check! If you haven’t, why not? You are more than welcome, so be sure to put that on your personal checklist!
Stop by the Liberty Belles table at the next Robson Ranch Republican Club meeting and say hello! We want to get to know you!