Robson Olympics
Claudia J. Caporale
The long, hot summer has finally left us! The extreme heat affected bocce games, Olympic games, pool activities, and many more, but cooler days are ahead, so let’s look at what went on in September and go forward to what’s coming up!
The Sept. 7 presentation on sleep apnea given by Dr. Suzanne Thai was a huge success. If you missed it, you can watch the energic, informative, and friendly doctor on our website, rrlwc.com. In fact, if you or your spouse snores, you can score many good tips from Dr. Thai or email her at [email protected] if you have additional questions.
If you’ve seen more residents bicycling, running, or walking during the month of September, they were clocking their miles and hours as part of our annual Robson Olympics. Other sports had been going on during the month, with photos now on our website. Unfortunately, we won’t have any winners’ names until the November issue, but you can find them on our website before then. Awards and winners were presented at our Olympics lunch on Sept. 30. A big thank you to our members Tiffany, Tena, Marsha, and Debbie who worked diligently to organize the big event. And thank you to all the residents who participated.
Please join me in thanking our vendors for coping with the ridiculously hot summer. Their diligence, patience, kindness, and loyalty to Robson Ranch and residents has been admirable. Also, please welcome our new vendor Andiez Candiez. Stop by, say hello, and try some of their unique candiez.
On Sept. 16, the HOA presented its annual Business Expo. It was very well attended, as usual. If you were new to Robson Ranch and attended, you may have been overwhelmed with this wonderful Business Expo. The providers and vendors are very helpful in answering questions.
Then on Sept. 21 the Living Well Committee held another CPR/AED class, presented by Chief Brad Lahart, Battalion Chief. The class was limited to 30 residents who were asked to register. I hope you were able to attend.
Coming up on Oct. 19 at 1 p.m., Laura Redman of North Texas Orthopedic Spine & Pain Management will be discussing sports injuries and treatments. We have many active sports at Robson Ranch, and many residents participate in them. This presentation is especially for you.
Looking ahead, on Nov. 2 at 1 p.m., Vicky Whitington of Heaven at Home Senior Care will discuss Home Care For Seniors.
On Nov. 23, Thanksgiving Day, we’ll have our annual Turkey Trot. We look forward to meeting you, your guests, and pets for our usual walk led by Gill Clifton. It’s lots of fun and a good way to work up an appetite for your turkey dinner.
Announcement: The Living Well Committee is looking for additional members. If you have technical skills or experience, writing experience, or just enjoy participating in event planning, please contact Joyce Ambre at [email protected].