Robson Ranch Olympics winners
Claudia J. Caporale
The festive months have arrived! Decorative lighted homes, stores filled with trees and ornaments, and the sweet aroma of apple cider and cinnamon everywhere. It’s an exhilarating time of year, especially here at Robson Ranch. Don’t forget our Turkey Trot on Nov. 23, which starts at 9 a.m. and is led by our Living Well Committee members Gil and Fred. They’ll lead you on a three-mile walk from the clubhouse down Michele Way, around American Way and Osprey, and back to the clubhouse for cookies! This is a great way to work up a great appetite for your turkey, trimmings, and pies. Bring your guests and pets!
Then on Nov. 24, bring your guests and pets to our Friday Vendors Market. You’ll find healthy foods and lots of treats from new vendors Andiez Candiez and Esther’s Cupcakes. It’s a great time to check out all the vendors and wish them a Happy Thanksgiving with thanks for all they do.
Our annual Robson Ranch Olympics ended on Sept. 30 at a delicious awards banquet. Our first- and second-place winners received a gift card, and the third-place winners received a lovely recognition card made by our website expert Marcia Elving. The full list of winners can be viewed on our website, rrlwc.weebly.com.
Thank you to all those who completed our survey. Your opinions were appreciated and helpful as we continue to bring future Olympics to you. Please continue to check our fabulous website, rrlwc.weebly.com. It has the latest and most updated information on our events and presentations.
Also, thank you all who attended the second HOA-sponsored Cancer Walk on Oct. 5. The Cancer Club had 138 registrations and donations earning $5,035 were given to the Texas Oncology Foundation. Thank you, too, to Gil, the patrol group, and Rhett & Grill for all the goodies at the end of their walk.
The Medicare presentation on Oct. 5 was again very well received, filling the room with updated information on Medicare changes. If you were new to Medicare, you were probably overwhelmed but richly informed.
On Oct. 19 Laura Redman and Dr. Casey Stuhlman from North Texas Orthopedic Spine and Management discussed the medical side of sport fitness and took questions, while Taylor Riggin, PGA, took questions and discussed golf fitness and the effects on the body and injury prevention and treatments.
Please note that our Living Well website address has changed to rrlwc.weebly.com.
Sunday, Nov. 5, is the end of Daylight Savings Time! Time to turn clocks back one hour.
On a final note, Veterans Day is Nov. 11. The HOA and Living Well Committee want to extend our sincere thanks to all veterans. Thank you for protecting the multitudes!
With thanks to God for all we have and do, especially here at Robson Ranch, Happy Thanksgiving!