Nancy Thomas, Dr. Charles Kurkul, and Gayle Lee
Gayle Coe
The outstanding Women’s Club monthly luncheon programs continue to update, enlighten, and entertain! Monthly luncheons are $19 per person. Reserve your seat by making your reservation payment by the deadline.
As a recap, the October program was enlightening as well as entertaining. President Nancy Caldwell called the meeting to order and welcomed all attendees. She announced that the club now has 508 members. Nancy shared a quote referencing October and proceeded to move the meeting forward with news and updates.
The club purchased a new laptop for use with club presentations. As of Jan. 1, 2024, the PayPal fee will increase to $21, and the club will no longer offer prepay options for three months in advance.
President-elect Lisa Olson introduced new members, first-time attendees, and guests.
Sunshine, Shirley Monge, celebrated October birthdays. The winner of the birthday drawing was Barbara Leurig. Shirley reminded everyone to fill out the pink sheets on the table for cards to be sent to those who are having birthdays, celebrating something, ill, or need a pick-me-up.
Nancy Caldwell announced the names of the Nominating Committee: Chair Sandra Mankowich, Phyllis Ayers, Diane Eoff, Kasey Miller, and Judy Ondina.
Nancy then announced the 2024 slate of officers put forward by the Nominating Committee:
President: Lisa Olson
President-elect: Donna DeBoever
Past President: Nancy Caldwell
Treasurer: Nancy Nix
Secretary: Pam Franks
Vice President Membership: Chris Anderson
Vice President Programs: Pam Dotson
Luncheon Coordinator: Candace Anderson
Parliamentarian: Rose Depot
Nancy encouraged all members to get more involved. If you are interested, please talk to Lisa Olson.
On with the program! VP Programs Gayle Lee welcomed Dr. Charles Kurkul with Texas Oncology in Denton. He shared an encouraging and very informative update on the advances in breast cancer treatment and the positive direction research is moving to identify cancer sooner. His professional enthusiasm and user-friendly explanations provided a very informative and entertaining program.
Announcing the December program: The December luncheon will be on Monday, Dec. 4. The Women’s Club will celebrate a “White Christmas” with the Theatre Denton production of this holiday favorite! The theatre cast will share songs, costumes, and staged readings from the script of this wonderful holiday White Christmas production at the Campus Theatre on Dec. 7–10 and Dec. 14-17.
Charity of the Month: Friends of the Family
Buffet Menu: Herbed roasted chicken breast, lemon caper sauce, roasted potatoes, winter Cobb salad with choice of dressing, rolls, butter, and lemon Italian cream cake
Luncheon checks are due by Monday, Nov. 27, at 8 a.m.
You may drop off your ($19) check in the Cimarron Sports Center Women’s Lounge in the mailbox on the wall, or pay with PayPal. Go to the Women’s Club website, rrwomensclub.org.
For luncheon questions, contact Sandra at [email protected] or 972-658-8150.
Do you want to join the Women’s Club? Annual dues are $20 for the calendar year. You may pay at the November luncheon. Stop by the Membership table and drop off your check and Membership form.
For membership questions, contact Rita Paxton at 806-893-1106 or [email protected].